What Is Corporate Entrepreneurship?

Corporate entrepreneurship has become a buzzword in recent years with many observers arguing that it is critical for developing new products, services, and processes within large organizations. However, corporate entrepreneurship may not always be easy or straightforward.

Corporate entrepreneurship is the management of a business by means of management within the company. It is a form of entrepreneurship that refers to the activities and results generated from corporate resources. Corporate entrepreneurship has been defined as “the management of a business by means of management within the company”.

What Is Corporate Entrepreneurship?

Corporate entrepreneurship is the process by which an organization’s internal resources and capabilities can be used to develop new products, services, or processes within the organization. Corporate entrepreneurship is a form of intrapreneurship and one of the most important ways companies can create value.

Corporate Entrepreneurship is a new way of thinking about creating value and generating new revenue growth within your company. It’s an approach that allows you to tap into the creative energy of your employees, customers, and suppliers by engaging in intrapreneurship.

Corporate Entrepreneurship (Intrapreneurship) is a process used to develop new businesses, products, services, or processes inside of an existing organization to create value and generate new revenue growth through entrepreneurial thought and action, by providing the right atmosphere, appropriate recognition facilities, and adequate motivation to the organization’s existing human resource.

Corporate entrepreneurship
Corporate Entrepreneurship

Corporate entrepreneurs are responsible for creating new business ventures that create value for the corporation. Intrapreneurship allows organizations to accomplish their goals faster than ever without sacrificing their image. It also helps foster the qualities of a good entrepreneur in its employees.

Meaning Of Corporate Entrepreneurship

Corporate Entrepreneurship is a management philosophy that focuses on implementing entrepreneurial practices within an organization. Many companies have used corporate Entrepreneurship over the years to increase innovation and maximize return on investment for any given project or initiative.

Corporate entrepreneurs are individuals who are employed by large companies and who have the opportunity to become entrepreneurs while they are working there. These individuals have the opportunity to create new businesses or start new companies while they are working at their current job, but they must first obtain approval from their superiors before making any decisions based on their own ideas.

In short, corporate entrepreneurs use their managerial skills and expertise to innovate and create value for their companies. Corporate entrepreneurs often take on very large responsibilities and responsibilities at times when they would normally be considered managers in an organization.


In the present time, the goals of corporate entrepreneurship have also become the need of the hour.

When new and disruptive inventions and innovations come up almost every day, be it technological or in any other form, no organization can afford to be dependent on old ways of doing things, unless they plan on getting out of business soon in the future. And that’s why one simply can’t do away with the goals of corporate entrepreneurship, which are as follows-

  1. Improve the bottom line by creating new products and services that can be sold or licensed to other companies;
  2. Create new jobs by creating new jobs in the company that would not have otherwise existed; and
  3. Enable employees to take on more leadership roles which may lead to greater career development opportunities within the company.

Corporate entrepreneurship is different from small-scale commercialization because it aims to create products and services for the global market. The goal of corporate entrepreneurship is to create new markets for products that are not yet profitable enough to be created by private companies. In this way, corporations may be able to improve their profits and reduce their costs.


By its nature, the benefits of corporate entrepreneurship to any organization are immense and innumerable.

Organizations with adequate efforts in respect of intrapreneurship undoubtedly will leave their competition behind. They won’t only make proper use of their human resources, but would also continue to attract highly motivated and creative-minded employees. This would, in return, enable any organization to grow by leaps and bounds by capitalizing on the latest trends and technology.


No doubt the benefits of corporate entrepreneurship are many and varied, such as:

  1. The first is that it allows you to take advantage of the resources of a larger company. You can access better technology, more capital, and more customers.
  2. The second benefit is that when you have a startup that makes things more sustainable, through collaboration with a larger company the startup can grow much quicker, and can penetrate many countries at the same time.
  3. The third benefit is that when you have a startup working together with a larger company they build each other up. They learn from each other and they build relationships to last a lifetime.


The importance of corporate entrepreneurship has never been more than it’s in the present age. If an organization isn’t agile and conducive to the changes taking place in the market, it can’t sustain the intense competition faced by any enterprise, no matter how big or small.

Importance Of Corporate entrepreneurship
Importance Of Corporate entrepreneurship

We’ll try to understand the importance of corporate entrepreneurship from the following points:

Revenue Growth

It is known that in today’s world, there are many companies that are competing for market share and they are trying their best to attract more customers. In order to do that, they need to develop new ideas, products, and services that will make them stand out from other competitors.

Corporate entrepreneurship is a strategy adopted by corporations and entrepreneurs with the purpose of developing new products or services which can be sold on the market. It can also be used as a tool for enhancing competitive advantage over other companies in the market. Corporate entrepreneurship is widely used by large firms in order to expand their markets or enhance their existing business activities.

It takes time for a company to build up its own brand, but once it does so, it will be able to attract more customers who want to purchase its products or services.

It is important for companies to look at new opportunities that may arise from these innovations as well as make sure they are able to manage them properly so they do not cause any problems to their operations.

Productivity Boost

The importance of corporate entrepreneurship is the morale boost that employees get when they start following entrepreneurship programs. This leads to enhanced productivity. Moreover, it also helps in enhancing their skills and knowledge by making them aware of new technologies and methods.

Corporate entrepreneurs are people who work for an organization as a part of their job but also take up other projects or business ventures on their own. These individuals have the opportunity to learn about new ways of doing things and also how to transform ideas into business ventures, which can be beneficial for both themselves and their organization.

Extended reach

Corporate entrepreneurs seem to have a wider scope of thought and ideas than their peers who do not belong to the company. They are able to see things from different perspectives which sets them apart from the competition.

Enhanced creativity

Entrepreneurship is all about being creative and innovative, something that is highly valued in today’s market. Corporate entrepreneurs are able to access new markets and ideas that others may not be able to do so easily. This makes them stand out from the crowd as far as business intelligence goes, making it easier for them to create new products or services that meet customer needs.

Competitive Advantage

Corporate entrepreneurship is a unique and exciting way to contribute to your company. It provides you with the opportunity to take on a business or technical challenge in addition to your regular responsibilities, while simultaneously working with like-minded peers. You can also use the skills and knowledge that you gain from corporate entrepreneurship projects to take on new challenges within your company.

Established companies often offer opportunities for employees to develop their entrepreneurial skills in a variety of ways. For example, some organizations may offer mentorship programs for employees who have reached the upper echelons of their careers but who are looking for ways to expand their horizons. Others may provide funds for start-up projects or other ways for employees to develop ideas that will help them develop new products or services or improve existing ones.

Corporate entrepreneurship is a very important aspect of business. It is the process of identifying a problem and creating a solution to it. Corporate entrepreneurship provides a unique opportunity for entrepreneurs to work with corporate entities, which helps them increase their revenue, scale up their businesses and make their businesses more efficient. And working on new innovations along with entrepreneurs, any enterprise gains crucial competitive advantages over its rival entities.


Corporate entrepreneurship is the process of developing and managing a company’s business strategy and activities in order to achieve its objectives. Intrapreneurship is the practice of starting a business within an existing company or organization. The concept is not new and has been used for many years by companies to improve their efficiency and profitability.

Corporate entrepreneurship
Corporate Entrepreneurship Implementation Process

When it comes to its implementation, entrepreneurship is based on three things, namely, people, procedure, and place.

People: The first component in implementing corporate entrepreneurship is people. Corporate entrepreneurship must be a collaborative effort between the employees and management of the organization. The employees should be encouraged to work as a team with their peers and supervisors. The main objective is to help create an environment where everyone works as a team towards common goals.

So, the first component of corporate entrepreneurship is people. People are an essential part of any business but they play a vital role in corporate entrepreneurship as well. To develop a successful corporation, you need dedicated employees who are passionate about their work and willing to do whatever it takes to succeed within the organization.

This can only be achieved if there are good leaders at the top of your organization who are willing to give their time and energy for the greater good of all stakeholders within your business or organization (i.e., shareholders).

People create the culture of a company. This is where all the values and beliefs that guide your business come from. It is important to ensure your employees have the right incentives to be entrepreneurial and make decisions based on their passions rather than the companies.

The employees need to be rewarded for taking risks and making bold decisions. By providing them with resources and support they can develop new ideas and products that will have an impact on your customers or clients.

Procedure: The second component in implementing corporate entrepreneurship processes. This involves educating employees about new processes, procedures, and roles that will allow them to perform their jobs more efficiently.

A good example would be training on how to use new software programs such as Salesforce or Microsoft Office 365 so that they can better manage customer relationships or take advantage of new opportunities for growth within the company.

So, the second component that enables corporate entrepreneurship is the procedure. Procedures are defined by written rules or guidelines that help employees understand how things should be done in order for them to be successful within your organization (i.e., HR policies).

Procedures are how you do business at any given time. If you have a strong process in place then it will help you achieve consistency in your operations, which is key for any business that wants to grow quickly. To get started with corporate entrepreneurship there are some things you need to consider; what type of business is it, who are its customers or clients, and what does it take for success?

Place: The third component in implementing corporate entrepreneurship is placed; this includes all aspects related to a physical location such as office space, equipment, technology, and other resources needed by employees for their daily

Place refers to where your company operates in terms of location, size of office space, or type of business premises. For example, if you want a small family-run bakery then maybe renting out existing premises would work better than starting from scratch by building something new from scratch.

The place component involves finding a location where you can conduct business with customers or suppliers, and the right atmosphere which motivates your employees to undertake innovative approaches toward any challenges that they may encounter in their job.


Examples of corporate entrepreneurship are all around us. Intrapreneurship helps companies reduce waste by creating products that are more efficient than existing ones or by eliminating production processes that are not as efficient as they should be. This can be done by partnering with other companies or by creating solutions for problems that cannot be solved by one company alone.


For example, if a company wants to make batteries but does not have enough technical expertise in that field, it could partner with another company that specializes in battery technology so both companies work together on developing new batteries which will then be sold worldwide under one brand name so they can compete against each other while still having access to each other’s expertise.

Another example of corporate entrepreneurship could think of two organizations in the same industry, where one has idle resources(underutilized resources) and another company faces a shortage of resources. In such a case, the company which faces a shortage of resources, say machinery, can use the machinery of another company from the same industry with its underutilized machinery resources.


In short, we can say corporate entrepreneurship will provide new challenges and growth opportunities to the organizational culture. It is a great way to tap into workplace talent and helps both individuals and organizations feel motivated and productive. Hopefully, you found this piece of information useful for your business and general knowledge on the topic.

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